Transgrid – NSW

In October 2011, Transgrid had a need to source a suitable (preferably cold pouring) self curing, semi rigid, compound for employment in filling the void between the casing of a 330kV 1 ph underground Cable Joint and its encasing PVC cylindrical surrounding coffin. The pouring viscosity needed to be honey like. Accordingly it is important that the onset of curing allows sufficient time for practical mixing and complete pouring. Even so, structural setting time should not exceed say 15 hrs. The cured compound shall withstand temperature variations 0˚C > 80˚C, Shore A 10>15 not crack or migrate, and shall not allow moisture to penetration. The cured compound shall allow its possible practical future removal (cutting away) in the event that access is required the Cable Joint Casing.

Urethane Power Solutions (formerly ESS Power) recommended Cableflex 10, which provided all properties listed above. Transgrid used Cableflex 10, where the engineers found the product easy to mix and pour. No heating of the product was required and curing and durometer reading was obtained within specification. They also found using a slow/medium speed electric drill and paddle provided an excellent dispersion/mixing of the product. Remaining product was used in other projects.